indieBRAG Kids

Hi everyone-Getting Ready For The Holidays?

Hi everyone- Getting ready for the holidays? Don't forget to add books. Kids like me love books!   Here are my answers to some questions I have been asked lately- What do kids your age like to you read?Well, right now The Lemonade Crime, Harry Potter & Diary of a Wimpy Kid are very popular.But it seems that most of my friends are interested in books about kids like themselves in real life Do most of your friends read books?Yes. We are required to always have a book in school. In school, do you get to pick books you like to read or do they tell you which books to read?In my grade, we are not told what books to read but must bring a book to school every day. We read the books we like and that makes it more fun! Do many kids you know have eBook readers?No, not really. Some kids do have them but not many. Our school doesn't care if you bring a book or an eBook reader. Do you think having an eBook reader such as a Kindle or Nook encourages children to read more?Most certainly! All of us love electronics and for those…

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The Importance of Imagination

  With Halloween just past and Christmas soon upon us, I am intrigued by the world of fantasy that children delve into at this time of year. Childhood specialists know the importance of a child developing a healthy imagination. Imagination enables a child to be better at problem solving and more capable of handling stress and emotion. It is also critical for future personal and academic success. It is the dreamers in history who have given us some of our greatest technological advances. And having the free time to daydream, create fantasies, read, or just sit and think is vital to building the future leaders of society. But sadly this is becoming rare as children are barraged by a host of other activities that place heavy demands on their time including homework, music lessons, sports, school clubs, TV, video games, computers and the Internet. These are all important in small doses but should never take the place of free time to play and dream.Great thinkers have always known about the importance of imagination: "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."- Edgar Allan Poe"You see things and you say Why?…

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More Halloween Fun with Too Many Witches!

Join us for more Halloween fun with Too Many Witches!   IndieBRAG Kids Blogger, Ava, would like to introduce you to Bobby (6years old) Bobby, Thank you for sharing your interview with Mr. Lee Davis and Mr. Scott Nicholson, illustrator and writer of Too Many Witches. Hello Mr. Davis and Mr. Nicholson,My name is Bobby and I am 6 years old and I liked your book Too Many Witches. Your pictures are pretty and the story is fun. LEE: Thank you, Bobby! I'm glad that you enjoyed the book! Mr. Davis, are you an artist and do you paint other things or just books? LEE: I like to consider myself an artist! It's what I love to do. Most of my artwork lately has been for comics and children's books. It's taken up a lot of my time and space for creating, but I'm looking forward to getting back to painting single pieces when I can make the time, maybe with oils or water colors. Last time I did that I wasn't very good, so I'd like to see how I may have (or not have) improved with some new pieces! Mr. Davis & Mr. Nicholson, how did you come…

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An interview with Lisa Ard- author of Saving Halloween!

  Ms. Ard, I loved reading your book Saving Halloween and would like to ask you a few questions- Ms. Ard: Hello Ava, Thank you so much for reading Saving Halloween. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm happy to answer your questions. 1.When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Did you write stories when you were a girl? Although I wanted to be an author as a child, I don't recall writing stories. I did read a lot. It was only after reading to my own children that I decided to give writing a book a try. 2.Do you like Halloween best of all the holidays? Do you dress up and go trick or treating? I do love Halloween! I wait until October 1 to put out my decorations – some I've bought and some have been passed down from my mom and grandmother. I dress up, almost always as a (good) witch and greet kids at the door with candy. I wear my favorite red witch's hat on my school visits too. 3.What kind of books did you like best when you were my age (9)? I loved anything by Roald Dahl, my favorite author. Fantastic…

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