Join us for more Halloween fun with Too Many Witches!
IndieBRAG Kids Blogger, Ava, would like to introduce you to Bobby (6years old)
Bobby, Thank you for sharing your interview with Mr. Lee Davis and Mr. Scott Nicholson, illustrator and writer of Too Many Witches.
Hello Mr. Davis and Mr. Nicholson,
My name is Bobby and I am 6 years old and I liked your book Too Many Witches. Your pictures are pretty and the story is fun.
LEE: Thank you, Bobby! I’m glad that you enjoyed the book!
Mr. Davis, are you an artist and do you paint other things or just books?
LEE: I like to consider myself an artist! It’s what I love to do. Most of my artwork lately has been for comics and children’s books. It’s taken up a lot of my time and space for creating, but I’m looking forward to getting back to painting single pieces when I can make the time, maybe with oils or water colors. Last time I did that I wasn’t very good, so I’d like to see how I may have (or not have) improved with some new pieces!
Mr. Davis & Mr. Nicholson, how did you come up with the idea of your book?
LEE: Actually the idea was all Scott Nicholson’s, who is the great novelist who wrote Too Many Witches. We had done a spooky children’s book previous to Too Many Witches called If I Were Your Monster, and we were both happy with how it turned out and wanted to do another book. I contacted Scott because he writes about spooky things and I like to write and illustrate spooky things. Scott tells me he has another spooky story in mind for me to illustrate when the time is right!
SCOTT: I was playing with the idea of “too many cooks in the kitchen,” and I wanted some friends to fight over making the perfect stew.
Mr. Nicholson, do you only write books for children?
SCOTT: No, I have written a lot of books for grown-ups, like Stephen King’s books. I hope you try them when you’re older!
Mr. Davis. what colors do you think witches usually wear? All black or other colors? Can witches wear pink?
LEE: My understanding has always been that witches wear black, typically, but I don’t think there’s a strict code on it. I think if a witch wanted to be deceitful she may even wear happy, colorful clothes. That might answer your question about witches wearing pink; yes, I think they may. In fact, I have met some real witches who wear very expensive, colorful clothing and often times way too much make up. I still believe there are good witches who use good magic, and likewise they can wear colorful clothes or black if it suits them.
Mr. Davis, my sister would like a pink witch.
LEE: I will be happy to illustrate a pink witch next time a book is made about witches! If I write it I will include one, but I can’t be certain that if a different author writes it that it will be part of the story.
What is your favorite holiday?
LEE: It has for many years been a tossup between Halloween and Christmas, but now I have to say Christmas. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, like the song says. I love being with family and friends and celebrating the blessings of life and salvation. Also, Santa always brings me great presents.
SCOTT: I love Halloween but Thanksgiving is still my favorite because you get all day off and you get to eat!
Do you like Halloween or Easter best? Which gets you more candy?
LEE: Easter has a stronger meaning to me, as I’ve come to understand, but Halloween is far more fun for the elements around it. I love autumn time when the leaves change color and as I love spooky and scary things, it’s ideal. In any case I’m too often around too much candy and I stay away. Last year I had a ton of leftover candy after Trick-or-Treaters, and I kept on eating it until it was all gone and I put on weight. I also had two cavities filled on my last dentist visit. At this stage in my life, I want less candy!
SCOTT: Halloween candy is best because the shapes are more fun–pumpkins and ghosts and skeletons!
Could you put in more bugs and creepy things next time?
LEE: Absolutely. I love drawing bugs and creepy things!
SCOTT: Lee loves to draw creepy things so maybe we can get really squishy in the next book.
Are you going to write more books for kids?
SCOTT: Yes, Lee and I are planning a mummy book!
Are you working on any books about boys?
LEE: I’m preparing to release two books that my grandmother wrote some years ago, called The Woefully Wicked Witch and The Woefully Wicked Witch Saves Santa’s Workshop. They are children’s books which have boys and girls, but the boys and girls are elves.
SCOTT: Maybe we will make the mummy book for boys.
Mr. Davis, when you were little did you draw a lot and use coloring books? I like to do that.
LEE: I drew constantly when I was little. I loved making things come to life on paper. I liked coloring books but I didn’t enjoy coloring in pictures as much as I preferred to make the picture myself. Still, coloring books are great.
What should children learn from your book?
LEE: As Scott wrote Too Many Witches, the true answer would be his, but I will take the liberty of saying that children should be reminded of what kind of great, wonderful things can be accomplished if they don’t bicker, but communicate, work together, embrace friendship and helping one another. When I grew up I saw a lot of mean kids and I realized that they got nothing accomplished by being mean and argumentative. Great things are accomplished with teamwork, and I think that’s something Moanica and company would stress very much to learning youngsters.
SCOTT: I hope kids learn they can disagree and still be friends– something adults seem to have a hard time doing, but kids are smarter than grown-ups. Have fun being a zombie, and Lee and I are really glad you like Too Many Witches and hope you try If I Were Your Monster, too.
I love Halloween! Our town has bonfires, parades and lots of spooky houses. This year I am going to be a Zombie. I will tell all my friends about Too Many Witches !
LEE: I love Halloween too! I didn’t get to enjoy too many festivities like that growing up but I still love every Halloween!
SCOTT: Have fun being a zombie, and Lee and I are really glad you like Too Many Witches and hope you try If I Were Your Monster, too.
Thank you for answering my questions.
LEE: Thank you, Bobby, for your kindness and support!
Thanks, Bobby and the Brag Medallion team, Lee and I had fun!
I am loving this interview….your points of view are neatly shared here….just me…vitina
What great questions! I look forward to the mummy book.