Hi everyone-Getting Ready For The Holidays?

Hi everyone- Getting ready for the holidays? Don’t forget to add books. Kids like me love books!


Here are my answers to some questions I have been asked lately-

What do kids your age like to you read?
Well, right now The Lemonade Crime, Harry Potter & Diary of a Wimpy Kid are very popular.
But it seems that most of my friends are interested in books about kids like themselves in real life

Do most of your friends read books?
Yes. We are required to always have a book in school.

In school, do you get to pick books you like to read or do they tell you which books to read?
In my grade, we are not told what books to read but must bring a book to school every day. We read the books we like and that makes it more fun!

Do many kids you know have eBook readers?
No, not really. Some kids do have them but not many. Our school doesn’t care if you bring a book or an eBook reader.

Do you think having an eBook reader such as a Kindle or Nook encourages children to read more?
Most certainly! All of us love electronics and for those who love to read an eBook reader is perfect.
My Grandmother (MomMom) gave me one for my 8th birthday. When she visits, we can sit and read books together on our Kindles. My little brother loves everything electronic and has just learned to read so I think he is ready for his own eBook reader- maybe Santa will get him one!

Do you think reading books makes you smarter?
Definitely! You learn about things without ever trying. Things like history, geography and even math.

What are your favorite books?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
I try to read books that are a bit bigger and more difficult sometimes but I just got this one and can’t wait to read it.
I like getting books for Christmas. Last year I got The Pajama Elves by Hayden Edwards in my Christmas stocking. It’s a great Christmas book.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my friends and fans-


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