B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

Award-winning Young Adult Books



Website(s) Website 
Illustrator Michael Anthony and James Sherwood Metts
Genres Young Adult
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I wrote Planet Storyland as a result of a question I had. What would a kid from another planet think about how we live?

Quentin is from the planet Gliese. He discovers a book titled Earthlings at the library. He becomes fascinated with the people on Earth because they not only look like him, but the Earthlings live a life full of suspense. He tells his parents that he wants to help them. His parents are against him having any contact with the alien people. His father, out of respect for his son’s feelings, has a discussion with him about the Earthlings way of life. Nevertheless, Quentin’s empathy motivates him to find a way to Earth.

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