A chat with best selling author Addison Moore



Addison Moore is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. Addison’s Celestra Series has been optioned for film by 20th Century Fox.


Thanks you so much Addison for sharing your thoughts and experiences on self-publishing with us. It is encouraging to us all to see wonderful self-published authors, such as you, get the attention they deserve!
I am sure the readers and authors at indieBRAG will appreciate your input-

First of all, why did you self-publish? Did you try to get a traditional publishing deal?
I started self-publishing in 2011, ironically after I procured my dream agent. I was deterred by how long it would take to get a traditional book into the market and I wanted to write more than a book a year.

Did you use professional help for story or copy editing, cover design or in other ways?
My husband and I do all of the covers for my books. I’m comfortable with that and I enjoy the artistic process. As for editing, I hire out. Sometimes I’ll work with two on one project. I also employ the use of several Beta readers. It helps to have as many eyes as possible to read over your work. A writer can gloss over the same error many times and not see it. Fresh eyes are best.

How did you know when your book was truly ready to be published?
After multiple edits and polishes, and read-throughs I know it’s time to push it out the door. I’ve finally stopped giving myself deadlines, and I seem to thrive better and be more efficient this way. I was pulling my hair out when I was under a deadline and didn’t enjoy the process as much. That’s the great thing about self-publishing, you can go at your own pace.

You have a wonderful website, what other types of social media do you use?
Thank you! In addition to my blog, I use facebook and twitter. I have a Goodreads account as well. I try to communicate as much as possible with my readers. I really enjoy that aspect of being an author!

Word of mouth is clearly one of the best ways to achieve publishing success but how do you let readers know about your book and generate that interest?
Each Tuesday I offer “teasers” on my blog of upcoming books. I actually do it because I love sharing my work and the writing process with my readers, but in hindsight it works well to alert them to when books will be out and which novels I’m working on at the moment.

Have you made any mistakes that you would tell our authors to avoid? Are there areas where you think your time or money might have been wasted or better spent?
I tried blog ads and pay per click ads. They never worked for me and ended up costing me in the end. It’s tough to say. What works for one person may not work for another. It’s a trial and error system, that’s for sure. I would recommend keeping a record of what ads work for you and which don’t.

Some talented self-published authors eventually get offered traditional publishing deals after they have had some success; some take these deals and some don’t. Have you been offered such deals and would you consider traditional publishing? Why or why not?
I’ve been made some offers. If I did decide to accept one, it would have to be a special offer. I’d have to consider the terms carefully and make sure that the contract benefits me much more than having a publisher’s name on my cover. I’m open to both independent and traditional publishing, and I have been from the beginning. Whatever road works best is the right one.

Could you share your thoughts on the future of self-publishing?
It’s here, and strong, and I believe every writer should consider it a viable option to getting their work out into the world. I don’t think there’s a stigma attached to it anymore. In fact, I do believe it empowers the author. Ultimately the reader decides what they’re going to pick up.

Please feel free to add any other thoughts our audience might find helpful.
Don’t give up. If your first book doesn’t fly up the charts, write another one. Don’t discourage easily and don’t be offended by criticism. Write what you love and the readers will come. They will. Above all, have fun!

to visit Addison Moore’s blog



One response to “A chat with best selling author Addison Moore”

  1. Geri says:

    Congratulations on your deserving success!
    Thank you for generously sharing with us –

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