As we all know themes and getting to know characters so we might connect to them is so important in storytelling. Today Jane Brown is sharing a little about her characters from her stories, The Bitti Chai and The Lost Souls.
Share about the themes in your story.
The main theme running through The Bitti Chai and the follow up The Lost Souls is the all consuming enduring love between Reigneth and Johnny.
The Bitti Chai tells of Reigneth’s formative years, her struggle to come to terms with her gift for foreseeing the future; the ancient prophecy surrounding Reigneth’s birth and her families need to protect her from the outside world. We discover more about her relationship with her family and the huge changes which take place in their life following Reigneth’s father’s death. Finally Reigneth meeting and falling in love with Jonathan Wilmott.
The Lost Souls continues the young lover’s story and the physical changes they both undergo following their marriage. We see their relationship unfold and grow and Johnny’s involvement with Reigneth’s cousins Aaron and James deepen and solidify.
The Man with Two Minds to be released in 2017 will take the story further and delve deeper into the ancient prophecy to do with Reigneth’s birth and her powers. We see the four young adults battle with forces of evil and risk everything to protect one another and their family.
Share about your teen character’s personalities traits and hobbies.
Reigneth is quite a serious young woman old beyond her years. As she has been able to forsee the future from such a young age she has taken on the responsibility of looking after her family. This has made her quite a serious person. However since meeting and falling in love with Johnny she has been able to enjoy a lighter side to life. She begins to have fun.
Johnny has had a charmed life, fun of fun and without any responsibility. Meeting Reigneth has turned his life upside down and he is quite unable to focus on anything other than her, he is completely besotted. His life however takes on a more serious tone as he realises life with Reigneth will be anything but easy. Secrets from his past surface to haunt him and only with Reigneth’s help does he come to terms with a distressing and unsettling series of events.
Both Reigneth and Johnny enjoy riding and outdoor activities. They are at one with nature and their moorland surroundings.
What does your teen/middle grade character like to read?
Reigneth’s tastes are varied but she enjoys something with a bit of action. Conn Iggluden, Diana Gabaldon and Liane Herne, all with an historical slant.
Johnny is not much of a reader he loves music and that’s his life, if he’s not playing then he is writing lyrics and humming tunes to himself.
Create and share a list of weekend pictures your characters have taken.
Photos taken by Johnny – Reigneth in both her forms.
Dartmoor their home.
Some of the Dartmoor ponies Reigneth helps to look after.
A mature Reigneth
Reigneth companion and best friend Juk
‘Day In The Life’ of Reigneth
Mid Week Work Day
6.00 am and the alarm rings Reigneth huffs and turns over in bed mumbling something about needing just ten more minutes sleep. Ten minutes later the alarm goes again and reluctantly she heaves herself out of bed. Wonderful smells permeate through the house her mother is already up and baking bread for breakfast.
6.45 am she’s showered and changed and ready for the day. Hair brushed and plaited and she’s making her way downstairs for breakfast. Her appetite for meat is overwhelming since she began to shape shift to the cat and it’s hard to resist taking an extra sausage or two. Usually she helps her mother with her brother Young Joe. Noting Johnny looks very scruffy as usual and has obviously not even brushed his hair. She quickly checks round her family reading their thought patterns to ‘see’ they are OK.
7.15 am breakfasted and ready to depart to Johnny’s mothers where she works with the ponies. She begs a lift usually from Johnny hating to be dependent on anyone and wishing she could drive.
8.00 am She’s mucking out ponies, helping break them or handling young stock and preparing them for shows. Johnny’s mother has warmed to her and she enjoys being with Grace. Juk jogs alongside Reigneth wherever she goes not leaving her for an instant. Reigneth always aware of him constantly places her hand on his head or fondles his ears; a prod on her hand from his wet nose alerts her to his need for a biscuit.
12 noon Lift back to Higher Wedicombe for lunch usually helping her mother with the baby. She lends a hand with household chores or goes foraging with Juk to replenish their supplies of herbs and simples for their little dispensary. Perhaps she might ride with Johnny with Juk following on behind. In any spare time Reigneth, Johnny, James and Aaron would run and explore the moor and countryside.
6.00 pm Dinner with the family which is always a racous affair everyone wanting to speak at the same time, all very loud and jovial. Afterwards band practice at Home Humber, the home of Aunt Liz and Uncle Richard; sometimes followed by a drink at the local pub.
Early to bed each and every night as this is the only time Johnny and Reigneth get to talk through the events of the day. They are both looking forward to having a home of their own and privacy.
Who is your character’s hero?
Reigneth’s heros and heroines are her family but more particularly her father who sadly passed away. She literally worships them all and is immensely proud of being a Romany Gypsy. She is determined that their traditional values and culture shall not be forgotten or diminished in any way.
What does your characters see themselves doing in twenty years?
Reigneth and Johnny know without doubt that in 20 years time they will be together, just as much in love as they were the first day they met. After all there has to be some advantage in being a Seer or being married to one.
Award Winning Author jane Gray- B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree
Free Kindle Copies available for both Bitti Chai & Lost Souls-October 8th – 10th.
Links to free copies:
Learn more about Jane Gray here
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