B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

Award-winning Non-Fiction Books

Healing Whispers From Spirit Guides

Bridging the gap between life in the afterlife with a death, Doulas wisdom


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Loss is an inevitable part of the human experience, and the pain it brings can be overwhelming. Yet, amidst the grief, there is a profound opportunity for growth and connection. With the help of Gretchen’s “A-Team” of spirit guides, learn how to bridge the intricate gap between life and death with grace and understanding. As a death doula at the bedside of the dying, Gretchen’s poignant stories present encounters with departed loved ones and glimpses of celestial beings. Through these encounters, you will come to understand that life is eternal, the bonds we share with our loved ones transcend the physical realm, and discover the profound beauty in being present with them as they transition from this life to the next.

Healing Whispers from Spirit Guides offers practical exercises and insights to help you cultivate intuitive abilities and forge deeper connections with the spirit world. From simple meditation techniques to profound spiritual revelations, be empowered to embrace your own innate wisdom and find solace in times of grief. Step into the light of self-discovery, embrace the guidance of our spirit guides and find peace in the midst of life’s most challenging moments.

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