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Award-winning Non-Fiction Books




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Dare To Live Greatly is a story of fearless faith, finding purpose in a purposeless world—and how one man survived and overcame the odds to graduate BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training), called his Lymphoma cancer a gift of a lifetime and found success by the world’s standards. But still, that was not enough.

One thing all Navy FROGMEN, now called SEALs, have in common, is that they first survived hell week and went on to graduate Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training in Coronado, California. For six months, BUD/S trainees are forced to endure the most rigorous physical and mental crucible known to man. To survive, these tadpoles (named after their frogmen forefathers) are forced to confront their greatest fears, reach deep within, and summon the courage to press forward in the face of insurmountable odds—assuming they survive the training.

Larry did survive Hell Week and graduated BUD/S Class 89, the class who created the motto “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.” During his training, Larry created a detailed journal to show his future sons what it meant to live a faithful Christian life, even in the midst of what looked and felt like hell. He wanted them to see how his faith formed and informed the continuous, action-packed, ongoing, and constantly fulfilling adventure of life in BUD/S, then as a Naval Special Force’s operator.

Dare To Live Greatly doesn’t just invite readers to experience “a day in the life” of a BUD/S trainee. There are plenty of books and movies that already do that. Instead, Dare To Live Greatly is more about thriving through fears, surpassing goals, and finding your life-long purpose. It’s a gritty, captivating story told through the lens of a man who fearlessly embraced his faith as a searing source of strength and inspiration, no matter how dire the circumstances. And Larry knows just how bad things can get. While he’s had great business success, he’s also experienced the death of a child and treatment-resistant cancer. Still, he continues to live a tenacious life.
This book will spur every reader—believer or not—to consider their deepest calling and the bigger purpose for which they were made. Dare To Live Greatly is not just about confronting fears, but running toward them. The book accomplishes that goal through a series of autobiographical reflections that apply what Larry learned in BUD/S and the business world to readers’ daily lives. Each story is both inspirational and actionable.

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