B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

Award-winning Mystery Books

The Performance


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Detective Maxine Ferrari was sure the sheer boredom of this job would be her undoing. In the four months since she took this position in the tiny, high desert town of Prineville, Oregon, the only crime requiring any detection was a break-in at the state liquor store. There hadn’t been a murder in all of Crook County since Lucy O’Conner found her husband in bed with a hooker, and shot him dead, some seven years ago.

All that changed with the arrival of Sarah Castleman. Before the summer was over, two men had gone missing, one had been murdered, and Max was, inexplicably, infatuated with the prime suspect.

The detective didn’t have a clue, until it was too late, that the bombshell about to land in her lap was going to destroy everything she believed to be true about her investigation. More than that, it would call into question Max’s own beliefs about herself.

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