B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

Award-winning Mystery Books

McClawstons Brook


Genres Mystery
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Addison Pierce and Charlene Williams are perfect for each other. At least until murder gets in the way. Six years ago Katherine Pierce was violently pushed through a second floor banister and died hitting her foyer floor below. That horrible day haunts her husband, Addison Pierce. He is haunted by the police who consider him the one and only suspect but without the evidence to arrest. He is haunted by his former in-laws who are convinced he killed their daughter. He is haunted most by memories. Pierce tends to those memories and cultivates grief and loneliness in the small, northern Wisconsin town of McClawstons Brook. His resolve, though, is cracking under the building strain of isolation and the war against the demons playing in his mind. When Charlie enters his life all the accumulated need and desperation send him hurtling into a relationship that he knows is doomed. Between now and a lifetime of happiness looms the specter that is Katherine’s murder. Charlie refuses to live with the doubt and suspicion Pierce has been under all this time. Pierce would happily leave the past alone. Addison Pierce takes you into his confidence with an inside view of his life through a first person conversation that is relaxed, humorous, down-to-earth, and charming. The battle between his first wife’s memory and his desire for Charlie is a mixture of sadness and hope. Pierce has just one serious shortcoming. Is he a killer?

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