Martha Hamilton

Award-winning Non-Fiction Author


About Martha Hamilton

Martha Hamilton is an uncommon blend of rational and intuitive, strategic and empathic, practical and visionary, Martha delights in watching people identify and find freedom from unseen traps of their own making – herself included. She has 25+ years experience designing and successfully implementing groundbreaking strategies in public accounting, business strategy, management, and healthcare technology. Over time she came to realize that much of her success stemmed from her awareness of non-cognitive information and the ability to see critical points of leverage that create big shifts. She works experientially with individuals and groups, supporting them in unearthing dormant capacities leading to more fulfilling work and personal relationships. Her work with organizations leads to a more coherent culture and greater relationships, creativity and innovation, as the knots that have limited the individuals, teams and the organization, begin to melt away and the benefits of coherence take root.

Website, Blog 

Books by Martha Hamilton