Jude Austin

Award-winning Science Fiction Author


About Jude Austin

Jude Austin (also known by her online handle JudasFm) has been writing online and offline for several years. She currently lives in Chiba, Japan, and spends her days gaming, working on her next three or four books, and binge-watching far too much Netflix and YouTube than is good for either her or her writing career. She is a staunch supporter of fanfic, never giving up, and squid. Her preferred genre is sci-fi realism, which translates to character-driven, non-dystopian science fiction without the advanced science, aliens, AI/robots (especially AI/robots!) or epic space battles, finding it far more fun to write about other worlds and cultures. She is intensely optimistic about the future of humanity as a whole, possibly to the point of delusion, and her one regret is that she’ll never be able to visit any of the worlds she creates in person. Her second novel, Homecoming, was also awarded an Honorable Mention at the Writer’s Digest Self-Published Ebook Awards 2020.

You can follow her on Twitter at @JudeAustin18 or visit her official site and subscribe to her Author Newsletter for news on current and future projects at https://www.judeaustin.net 

Website and Newsletter 

Books by Jude Austin