B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

Award-winning Children's Books

Little Miss History Travels to Ellis Island

Volume 6


Website(s) Little Miss HISTORY BOOKS, TEACHING TOOLS AND SOCIAL MEDIALhttps://www.amazon.com/Little-HISTORY-Travels-MONTICELLO-Jefferson/dp/1733067183https://www.amazon.com/Little-HISTORY-Travels-MONTICELLO-Jefferson/dp/1733067183 
Illustrator Victor Ramon Mojica
Book Series Little Miss History
Genres Middle Grade, Non-Fiction
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A journey begins with leaving one place and venturing forth toward a new one. Millions of immigrants left their homelands in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to seek the promise of a better future in America. Why did they abandon their homeland? Some fled from political oppression or slavery, others sought work or the possibility of acquiring land to farm. Those who entered the Great Hall on Ellis Island did so with fear in their hearts and hope in their eyes. Come follow along and explore their dreams and experiences as they passed through the gates on Ellis Island. Perhaps you will see one of your ancestors reflected in their eyes. For most immigrants the end of their transatlantic voyage was a new beginning, for others it became “An Island of Tears.”

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