About Sean Curley
Sean Curley (1961-) was born and raised in California. He was brought up Catholic and studied Philosophy and Computer Science. Others have referred to him as a Renaissance man because of his diverse educational background in Computer Science, Philosophy, Management, Space Studies, and Creative Writing. He is frequently found speaking on diverse topics such as Humanism, management, parenting, religious history, writing, and indie publishing. Mr. Curley lives in Colorado.
Sean currently has three books out:
Propositum – The Christ Myth told from the premise that there was no actual Jesus. Over – A science fiction novel about the split in society because of immortality. Humanism for Parents – A non-fiction book about parenting without religion.
A sequel to Over called Anika’s Gift is in the works.
Praise for Sean’s Books: Sean’s storytelling, backed by his thorough research, makes this tale a credible alternative, not only to the myths in the Gospels, but to the very idea of a historical Christ. Fictional characters and historical figures come alive against the lush backdrop of the early Roman Empire. – Greg Reeder
Sean Curley’s portrayal of the birth of Christianity challenges what the traditional texts have taught us, and does so in a way where the reader travels alongside the characters in their travails to save the Republic. – David Gerring