About Michael Lynes
MICHAEL LYNES is the Award-Winning Author of The Blood Series. To date, the series has won the New Apply Literary, Indie BRAG Medallion, Readers Favorite for FANTASY, and most recently the IAN Book of the Year Selection for Fantasy. It begins with the novella “It’s in the Blood”. Continues with Destroyer’s Blood and the NEW release Book Two – FIRST BLOOD is due out on November 1st, 2019. Book One – “Destroyer’s Blood” Reviewed By Christian Sia for Readers’ Favorite Destroyer’s Blood has been awarded the Silver Medal for Fantasy in the Readers Favorite Awards for 2019 and has won an Indie B.R.A.G. Medallion for Fantasy. It also won the Solo Medalist in the New Apple Summer eBook Awards for 2019. Book Two – “First Blood” will be released in November of 2019. His short story collection, “The Fat Man Gets Out of Bed”, was chosen solo Medalist Winner in the 2017 New Apple Summer Indie Book awards. Most recently Mr. Lynes has been a Contributing Author to the 2019 Ghostly Rites Anthology. Mr. Lynes was awarded a BSEE degree in Electrical Engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology and currently works as an embedded software engineer. He has four sons, has been married for over thirty years, and currently lives with his wife in the beautiful secluded hills of Sussex County, New Jersey. |