About Laurie Lewis
Laurie (L.C.) Lewis knows that wherever life takes her, she will always be a Marylander at heart—a weather-whining lover of crabs, American history, and the sea. She admits to being craft-challenged, particularly lethal with a glue gun, and a devotee of sappy movies.
She began her career under contract with Covenant Communications in 2004, moving to Walnut Springs Press in 2010. During these years she published seven books. While Laurie Lewis is best known for her much celebrated historical fiction series, “Free Men and Dreamers,” she writes different genres under several pen names–general fiction and woman’s fiction as Laurie Lewis, historical fiction and suspense as L.C. Lewis.
Her eighth novel, “The Dragons of Alsace Farm,” which debuted in July 2016, was inspired by her family’s experiences supporting a loved one with dementia. She calls this book a four-year love project. Aside from being honored as an indieBRAg medallion Honoree, “The Dragons of Alsace Farm” won New Apple Literary’s 2016 Medallion for Inspirational fiction, and was a 2016 Whitney Awards finalist and is currently a 2017 RONE Awards Finalist.
Laurie’s women’s or inspirational fiction novels include:
“Unspoken” (2004), http://amzn.to/2nw96bW
“Awakening Avery” (2010) bit.ly/LLAvery
“The Dragons of Alsace Farm” (2016) bit.ly/LLTDOAF
Sweet Water” (2017) http://amzn.to/2nuPYuZ
Her five historical fiction titles are part of her Free Men and Dreamers” historical fiction series.
“Dark Sky at Dawn” (2007); bit.ly/FMDDSAD
“Twilight’s Last Gleaming” (2008), bit.ly/FMDTLG
“Dawn’s Early Light,” (2009) bit.ly/FMDDEL
“Oh, Say Can You See?” (2010), bit.ly/FMDOSCYS
“In God is Our Trust” (2011), bit.ly/FMDIGIOT
She is currently completing a political suspense novel planned for a fall 2017 release.
“I love connecting with readers. The best way to stay in touch is through my V.I.P. Readers Club, “The Willowport Press.” Sign up here and get a free book for joining us! https://www.laurielclewis.com/newsletter.
You can also connect with me using any of these sites:
Website www.laurielclewis.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/laurielclewis
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1743696.Laurie_L_C_Lewis
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“Always remember love.”
Laurie Lewis