Our readers are the foundation of what makes indieBRAG unique. They not only select the books to become the next B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree but give feedback to our authors. This feedback is important not only to the authors but to the reader as well. Readers carry a lot of weight in what we regard as quality in self-publishing. Not only that but how readers see author’s platforms and performance on social media. Today Terri shares with us a little about her reading habits, reviewing books, how she finds books, book covers, and much more. Thank you, Terri for sharing with us today. First please tell us about your reading interest.
How do you choose a book to read?
I choose a book to read either by recommendation, reading a short synopsis, or the book falls into a genre I enjoy.
How much does the cover and title matter?
The cover and title surprisingly matter to me at least. I believe an interesting title and cover give an immediate visual to the book and story. Without that, I typically won’t pick up a book to see what the story is about.
When selecting a book, do you check who or how it is published?
Of course, this does not pertain to books you might read for indieBRAG since they are all self-published! I don’t check to see where, how or who publishes a book. They are some fantastic self-published books and I appreciate the authors who don’t have a large publishing house behind them promoting their book.
Do you read the blurb or go right to reading the sample on eBooks or read a few pages on a print copy in a store?
I only read the blurb on a book. I will look at the back cover, or quick synopsis on the e-reader before I buy to read.
Do you feel compelled to read the entire book, even if it isn’t what you hoped?
I am one of those women who cannot not finish something. I will push myself to finish a book that I don’t like, just because I can’t not finish what I started. Although, have been known to not finish but a few because I truly couldn’t waste one more minute on reading a bad book.
Do you leave reviews?
If so would you leave a negative review or only positive ones on books you enjoyed? I absolutely do leave reviews and have a blog where I blog the books I read.
What advice can you give to authors about what it is you expect from a good book?
I expect character development. I want to pulled into the book and live there throughout the story. I want to miss the characters once the book is finished. I want to feel that the author has a connection to their characters. Surprisingly as a reader, I can tell whether or not the author is trying to push the characters on their readers or if they have a passion and connection for their characters.
*For the privacy of our readers, some choose not to include a portrait.
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