Saturday, November 9th

We’re just weeks away from the 2013 Self-Publishing Book Expo and the excitement is contagious! This year we are proud to report that C-Span’s Book TV will be attending and filming the event!

Some of the amazing incentives offered this year include:

• A terrific line-up of 18 workshops, lectures and panels, led by some of the biggest and brightest names in publishing, including: a Keynote speech on how a leading traditional publisher views the rise of self-publishing, panels on crowd-funding and social media, workshops on creating ebooks, uploading and creating image-rich books, how to make money from audiobooks, the importance of good book design, and much, much more.

indieBRAG will be presenting – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of self-publishing

Stop by ouR table in the exhibition hall and enter to win a Kindle or Nook!

• FREE professional author photos for every attendee.

• FREE 15-minute publicity consultations for all ticket holders.

• A chance to win an Amazon Kindle Fire HD, an iPad mini and a Nook HD.

• A chance to win a publishing package valued at $1,999.

The Exhibition room will showcase the many goods and services available to all, and a variety of authors will be on-hand to sign and sell their books. There will also be a coffee hour so that attendees can mix, mingle, compare notes, and ask one-on-one questions of some of our speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and partners.

Come join the fun as we celebrate five successful years as the only show solely dedicated to self-published books and authors.

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